Gnuxie 333c55e18c
Config fixes (#432)
* Use the npm package `config` to load the config.

This is what was used prior to https://github.com/matrix-org/mjolnir/pull/347.
It was a nice idea motivated to drop a dependency that was confusing.
It was just never followed through and was underestimated how much disruption it would cause.
It was also believed that the library would mean there could only ever be one global copy of the config,
It was followed up by:

For simplicity sake I am reinstating the library.
The practice of loading default.yaml by default is also dangerous
and has led to issues multiple times in #mjolnir:matrix.org.
It is a sample and not a default.

In a following commit I will be adding the ability to specify the
config to use from the cli.

* Allow config to be specified with an explicit cli argument.

* Update doc to transition away from old config handling
2022-11-23 10:55:22 +00:00

3.2 KiB

Mjolnir is available on the Docker Hub as matrixdotorg/mjolnir.

Using docker, mjolnir can be setup and ran in either of two ways;

  • Docker Run
  • Docker Compose

Docker run will fire off a single-use container that is tied to your terminal's lifetime. (if you close the terminal, you shut down the bot)

Docker Compose can manage containers in the background, read a "compose" file, and automatically recreate/restart relevant containers (upon docker-compose up -d) if they diverge from the file. It can also easily read logs and manage the lifecycle of these containers. (start/stop/restart)


Before any other steps, a configuration file must be prepared.

Please go through the sample configuration file's documentation, download it, and rename it production.yaml.

You should go through and edit values to your liking, afterwards, pick a directory that'll be the root of all your mjolnir data files (i.e. ./mjolnir from the home directory on your server), create a new directory called config, place the file there.

In short, please make sure that the mjolnir configuration exists under ./config/production.yaml relative to the directory you've chosen, else mjolnir will not recognise it.

Docker Run

Run the following command in your terminal, replace ./mjolnir with the root directory of your config, if it is in another spot.

docker run --rm -it -v ./mjolnir:/data matrixdotorg/mjolnir:latest bot --mjolnir-config /data/config/production.yaml

Docker Compose

Take the following file, and copy-paste it in docker-compose.yml;

version: "3.3"

    image: matrixdotorg/mjolnir:latest
    restart: unless-stopped
      - ./mjolnir:/data

If you have pantalaimon installed, you can include it in this compose file as follows;

version: "3.3"

    build: ./pantalaimon
    container_name: pantalaimon
    restart: unless-stopped
      - ./pantalaimon_data:/data
      - 8008:8008
    image: matrixdotorg/mjolnir:latest
    restart: unless-stopped
      - ./mjolnir:/data

Note: At the moment, pantalaimon does not have a Docker Hub image, so ./pantalaimon needs to be the checked-out github repository, which you can do with git clone https://github.com/matrix-org/pantalaimon.

Note: In this configuration, you can access pantalaimon by using pantalaimon as a hostname, e.g. https://pantalaimon:8080/ as homeserverUrl.

Replace ./mjolnir (and optionally ./pantalaimon_data) with the correct directories.

Then call docker-compose up -d while in the same directory as docker-compose.yml to pull, create, and start the containers.

  • Use docker-compose stop to stop all containers, or docker-compose stop mjolnir to stop only the mjolnir container.
  • Use docker-compose restart mjolnir to restart the mjolnir container, omit to restart all containers.
  • Use docker-compose down to stop and remove all containers.
  • Use docker-compose logs to display container logs, append -f to follow the logs in your terminal, append --tail 100 to only show the latest 100 entries.